When each of us acts out of embodied awareness, aligned purpose, in a state of interbeingness that an unexplainable sense of memory, reflection, belonging emerges. It is from this zero point of openness, divisions melts and planetary love in action becomes possible & effortless. freedom is born and success is timed.

Bcome a creatrix.

  • ✺ Grounding

    Daily contemplation practice

  • ✺ SYNC UP

    Weekly online meeting

  • ✺ Tune in

    Monthly TEAgaherness phygitally at 11th every month

  • ✺Immersion

    Project visits across glocal hubs

  • ✺ Engagement

    Annual graduation ceremony & Invitation to Davos Supernode Annual Gathering.

  • ✺ Elevation

    Graduated are entitled to permanent entry to Creatrix Nation and host super node spaces locally, with YINvestment Support.

Join our Ibiza web3.0 Phygital Residency program

For physical participation and inquiries , enter the portal.

✺ Frequently Q✺A

  • Participants has to be introduced by heARtech faculty member or proven participation in Creatrix Immersion program

  • Please request an interview and use this the donation link to apply, and offer an amount of contribution that you see feasible. the amount you offered will be divert to heARTechlab fund to support heartechlab travel and accomodations.

  • submit your community, project and space description, and apply for an online interview for syn up

  • It requires finishing 100days inner compass online syncup process. It can start with online gathering or immersion program to enter

  • human library model, once you are in the simulator, you will meet them.

  • join our YINvestor community to support the ecosystem deep within.